Friday, March 13, 2015

Monday, March 2, 2015

R4 Midterm

R3 Midterm

Arnaud et Moi

Friday, January 9, 2015

Je suis Charlie.

I am okay, however there is a problem going on and I am outraged. On January the 7th, 2015 there was a massacre here in Paris. 12 people were killed in the offices of a magazine called Charlie Hebdo. The cause for this was the publishing of insulting cartoons towards the Islam religion. This made religious extremists act on it by doing a terrorist attack on the magazine's offices. 


Because it goes against the freedom of speech. The magazine has the right to publish anything they want, no matter how insulting it may be. It is one of the bases of France, it is 
Although the attackers were wrong by acting in such an extremist way, it is also important to remember that not all Islams may think the same way. The reaction full of anger that the population got after the attack should not go directed to all Islams, but only towards certain extremists.

We can all express ourselves, and it is necessary to do it in order to provoke discussion.